Member Alert!
CFCU has been notified of phishing scams to gather members’ personal information. CFUC would NEVER call you or send an email requesting personal information such as passwords, credit card numbers or personal financial information to verify your identity or to “unlock” your account. If you receive an unsolicited phone call or email requesting personal information, DO NOT click on the link; simply delete the message.
If you have responded or provided personal information, please contact CFCU at 361.584.6246.
For More Information
Helping members protect their privacy and financial security is of great importance to CFCU. The best way to protect yourself from Identity Theft is by learning how to minimize your chances of becoming a victim. Chemcel Federal Credit Union has information and resources that can help you prevent this from happening to you or your family.
As part of the FACT Act, you are eligible to receive a free credit report once a year. Running your report and reviewing it for accuracy is an important step in the battle against Identity Theft. Once you receive your credit report please feel free to contact a Chemcel Representative at your local branch if you need help reading your report or if you have any questions about your credit report.
Request your free credit report from one of the following sources:
PHONE: 1.877.322.8228
Annual Credit Report Request
PO Box 105281
Atlanta, GZ30348-5281
For additional information about how to protect yourself, there are many online resources available to you: U.S. Department of Justice – Identity Fraud